Lead Artist, Visionary
Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you—rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! ~ Isaiah 60:1 AMPC

Radiate Joy
Dear Friend,
I know...this is supposed to be a bio lol. I thought I'd write you a letter instead. This business is not the ordinary "let's just make art and have fun" type of thing. It's that too of course, but so much more. For me it's about birthing healing in the lives of those we touch. It's a living testimony. I'm not ashamed to say I've overcome childhood trauma, limiting beliefs, and emotional bondage I've carried for much of my adult life. I enjoy a freedom today I've longed for. Luke 18:27 says, "the things which are impossible with men are possible with God." Things began to change when I started to BELIEVE that God was for me.
As an overcomer, I desire to snatch as many as I can from the fires of depression, doubt, fear, suicide, and shame. Art is healing in its own right but coupled with faith it is an unstoppable force. Let's have fun, absolutely, but let's heal too. That's when life really changes and reality becomes the thing we've only dreamt of. The Lord has told me to "Radiate Joy". I endeavor to do that and love with a whole heart. Journey has become one of my favorite words. I understand now to love my journey and not be in such a rush to get to the end that I miss the beauty and victories along the way. So friend, journey together with me. Let's discover new levels of love, healing, and radiate joy.
Much love and Shalom,
Mixed Media
As a mixed media artist I love working with all kinds of paper arts (cardmaking, journal making, book making, marbeling, printmaking, etc.) and painting with acrylic and watercolor on different substrates. My style is colorful, textured and mainly abstract in nature.
Jewelry Design
As a jewelry designer I am drawn to multicultural styles of design and beading, especially tribal but I am not limited to that. Statement jewelry is my favorite to create. I mainly do stringing but also bead stitching, working with clay and paper beads. I also use a lot of gemstones, wood, and organic textures in my jewelry. Sparkly stuff appears in there too especially during the holidays. Life without feathers, beads and sparkle is no life at all :)!
I’m an avid journaler and writer, both poetry and lifestyle commentary among other things.
Products I make to sell include: jewelry and accessories, trinket boxes, beaded bookmarks, hand painted and handmade journals, cards and tags.